Fun Facts about the Spartan

By Jayden Wallace

Here are five fun facts about our school mascot, the Spartan! 

  1. The moment where a new married couple is able to go home together, didn’t exist for Spartan newlyweds. Spartan men couldn’t live with their wives until they were 30 years old! This was because the men were actively a part of the military from ages 7 to 30 and were required to live there. If the men got married beforehand they weren't able to live under one roof together until then. 

  2. Are you tired of heavy coins jingling in your pocket? Well try an iron rod! Spartans used iron rods for their currency for multiple reasons, first metal is difficult to damage and does break easily unlike paper dollars. Also making it harder to steal because who would possess something with no satisfaction to them?

  3. The Spartans spend most of their days drilling and practicing their formations and it showed during battle. The Spartan army fought in a Phalanx formation where they would line up side by side and lock their shields together to prevent stabbing from the enemy's spears. 

  4. Spartan women had more freedom and could do way more stuff than other Greek women. They were able to do things such as complicated business things, inherit land, but also could demand their husbands come back from war carrying their shields. 

  5. Despite loving violence and battle the Spartans were also super into music. They had famous musicians who would tour the land playing their latest songs. Spartans then marched into battle accompanied by the music, like it is their own theme song. 

The Spartan Shield